June 2023

Bubbles and Buddha

brought to you by two besties trying to do good

Laurie Sharp and Alison Regenold

“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Spending time in nature is a gift that keeps on giving. Taking deep breaths, observing beauty, walking with a friend - when we get outdoors, the effects are profound. Not only does the outdoors bring immediate gratification and health awareness, but it also motivates. 

Taking a simple walk, whether on a trail, on a beach, or walking the dog, transforms us. This month we invite you to find a new trail, join a hiking group, or volunteer to support your local parks and gardens. Happy trails!

Earlier this month, I had the privilege to spend 2 weeks outdoors hiking in the Monte Blanc range in the Alps. The majestic beauty, the solitude, the time alone with my partner, and the humbling experience of hiking alongside glaciers are awe-inspiring. It also, frankly, makes me feel like a badass. Through hiking, I’ve found both mental and physical strength and confidence.


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Having the right tools and resources, whether you are a new hiker or someone who wants to up their game, can provide a sense of confidence, motivation, and enhance your overall experience.

Many of you may be familiar with the AllTrails app. If you aren’t, it is definitely a great resource to discover trails, while traveling or in your backyard, that fit your skill level and preview the trail through the photos and reviews of fellow hikers.

The app provides detailed trail descriptions, ratings, user reviews, and real-time updates on trail conditions so you can estimate how long the hike will take, and see potential challenges along the way. It helps you make an informed decision, so you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

It allows you to track your hike with its built-in GPS (you can also download a trail map in advance if you will be offline or are concerned you’ll lose wifi in remote locations), and use it for navigation if the trail signage is limited.

Think of it as Yelp for hiking, the app allows you to save lists of your favorite trails, set personal goals, and track your progress. It will show you the length of the trail, the elevation gained, actual moving time (in the event you stop for a picnic!), and your pace per mile.

AllTrails offers a basic free membership and the AllTrails Pro version is $35.99 annually or $2.99 a month (half the price of 1 coffee!), or if you are an uber hiking enthusiast, a 3-year subscription for $59.99.

The PeakVisor app ($89.99 annual subscription or access once a day for free) is incredible. The app uses your smartphone camera to ‘view’ a mountain range or landscape, and then overlays peak identification, elevations, and can identify glaciers and rivers.

The app also offers a 3-D compass feature that shows all topographical details and provides detailed navigation with live satellite streams.

For me, learning more about the mountains and forests while hiking expands my appreciation and gratitude.

Now, call me crazy, but I’ve never been a big fan of titles. Whether I’ve been a CEO, a Youth Leader on a cruise ship, or a coffee barista, I’ve always shown up 150% in each role no matter my title or amount of responsibility - dishwasher, FedEx Girl, or POC for team and company escalation.
When my super fun path crossed with Geoff Rhodes, Director of FUN, I realized it is possible for a title to indeed make a strong impact. Geoff encompasses more positivity than I have seen in any human being. He is a great adventurer, public speaker, Team Building extraordinaire, connector of people and communities, MC, Leader of all things possible, and an epic photographer and storyteller. 

My personal journey with Geoff was when we brought him on to support a one-week event for 500 families we produced that was beyond dynamic. He initially came on to help with a volunteer project for attendees to partake in. He took it upon himself to advance and vet all local clean-up options so that they were doable, practical, safe, and super fun for all ages. He treated all of the attendees, supporting vendors and the locals, like they were his own family. They picked up bottles out of the ocean via kayaks; cleaned up every cigarette butt on the beach, and cleared hiking trails to make them safe and gorgeous again. He was so passionate about his work we engaged him again to manage an onsite teen program for a full week of activities (not the easiest task if you know teens), as well as leading executives through team building and connection. 

Geoff is truly a man of many hats. He can bring incredible value to your next event, whether you are looking for a unique way to connect your team and give back to their community, announce the future leaders of your company through creative awards, or create a magic that is profound, sustainable, and memorable - Geoff is your magic! 

Director of FUN - Geoff Rhodes

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In case you missed it (or still need to get after those deals!), please enjoy our previous blogs below!


Have feedback? An idea to contribute? A job to post or a business you’d like to see featured? Get in touch!

And be sure to add babes@bubblesandbuddha.com to your contacts list so'll you find us in your inbox!



A place for event marketing professionals and entrepreneurs who want to be inspired, focus on wellness, and learn a thing or two.

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