March 2023

Bubbles and Buddha

brought to you by two besties trying to do good

Admit it - we are the worst. Whatever your role, in the event marketing industry, we specialize in optimizing the immersive experiences of others, often at the expense of our own health and well-being. 

We meticulously define a customer persona, curate content, design bespoke experiences, and obsess over what our attendees feel, hear, see, and taste. All the while we are behind the curtain, back of house, on the headset and skipping meals, overindulging, over-imbibing, running on fumes as sleep seems indulgent, and god (goddess) forbid we practice any form of self-care.

We need to build a new skill that brings the level of care and attention to ourselves that we give to our customers, our careers, and our families.  

As some of us have discovered, and perhaps contrary to what you may believe, if you focus on taking care of yourself, you won’t have less time to accomplish your to-do list - you’ll have more. You will be more productive, have more energy, be more creative, and ultimately excel at whatever you set your mind to.
Our goal with Bubbles and Buddha is to provide a platform for wellness resources, tips, trends, and share inspiration so you can build your good habits to take care of YOU.
We will share stories of badass bosses in our community that are leading the way in all things wellness that will inspire and motivate. We will feature practitioners outside our industry who provide support, services, insightfulness, and guidance that are available to help us take better care, be stronger, and thrive.

Read on and Enjoy!

Welcome to the relaunch of Bubbles and Buddha!

Jeanine Allpress-Cliffe is a Soul-Body Therapist and Energy Healer. Her journey as a wellness practitioner started 10 years ago when she struggled with deep anxiety and lost the ability to trust her intuition. 

A friend referred her to an intuitive, someone who channels messages from one’s spiritual team (who doesn’t want a spiritual team!) for their highest and greatest good. Her experience was so transformational she started down a path of personal exploration. 

She began to build her psychic awareness, leading her to train in energy healing, Celtic shamanic work, Akashic record reading, and hypnotherapy. 

As her personal practice expanded, she felt called to offer these unique forms of healing to others - Journey Meditations, Energy Healing/Reiki, Hypnosis & Visualization Techniques, Spirit Baby Connections, Ancestral Healing, Sound Healing, Akashic Records & Art Therapy. 

Her private practice is located at Citrine in Larkspur, California.  

As a Global Account Director at Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Jeanine saw the stress and anxiety so many clients and guests were facing firsthand.  

She uses her personal experience and training to design and facilitate wellness retreats incorporating different practitioners and experiences. 
She connects her corporate clients with beautiful hotel properties around the world where they discover the healing elements of nature and ultimately learn how to integrate these practices to serve their customers and stakeholders.

Jeanine helps her private practice clients to heal and gain insight on a soul and energetic level.
Recognizing that healing is multi-dimensional, she has expanded her healing practice to incorporate energy healing, somatic visualization techniques, and channeled guidance.

She has found balance and purpose through her personal practice and her work with Four Seasons clients. All of this while raising 3 vibrant children, ages 10, 12, and 15.

Follow Jeanine on social media @souljourneywork or book a session HERE

Already a community member? Mention Bubbles and Buddha when booking a session with Jeanine and receive a 10% discount!

 Serenity and Beauty

If you’ve been impacted by the recent wave of layoffs or reorgs, check out or reach out to us at
We will leverage our communities’ industry network to connect you to those who are hiring. If you know of job opportunities or have an opening on your team, we will promote them in our April blog and on our social channels.  

 Boss Babes - Looking for work? 

Like me, you have likely seen these two words pop up more often in mainstream media and social platforms. 

Articles about neurodiversity and ADHD from Forbes, Fortune, and LinkedIn fill my news feed daily.  

There are young adults on TikTok, like Connor Dewolfe, who talk about how ADHD impacts them. In Connor’s case, he has over 4 million followers!  

There are many different ways that neurodivergence manifests. Common examples include Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and Dyslexia.  

Some may struggle with proximity to other people (don’t we all from time to time?), loud noises, how they intake, digest, and retain information.

Neurodivergent individuals experience differences in how their brains operate in learning methods, sensory processing, communication styles, and behaviors.

According to Harvard Health, neurodiversity is “the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one ‘right’ way of thinking, learning, behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits.”

From a personal perspective, my daughter, who is now a 19-year-old sophomore at Colorado State University in Fort Collin, CO, was diagnosed with ADHD and learning differences almost 7 years ago and is considered neurodiverse. It has been a challenging journey for both of us, as she navigates ‘society norms’ and I seek knowledge and understanding (with my neurotypical brain).

From a business perspective, Forbes reports that 15-20% of the population has some form of neurodiversity. ‘Neuroinclusiveness’ in the workplace and the value of a diverse employee base is growing as these talented individuals are welcomed. 

From an event marketing perspective, there is a lot of discussion around ensuring our live and digital events address the needs of neurodivergent attendees. We must consider how their experiential journey differs from that of a neurotypical attendee, how content is delivered differently, and what learning methods are most impactful.

Expect to see more on this, my friends. In the interim, below are a few books and article resources I’ve found incredibly insightful.

Neurodiverse and Neurotypical


Breathe in, breathe out.

Sounds so simple, yet so often we tend to hold our breath, catch our breath, skip a breath.

Giving our full attention to the simple task of breathing can provide astonishing positive change in levels of anxiety, sleeplessness, eating disorders, attention span, mobility, trauma, chronic symptoms, or daily emotions.

It’s a beautiful thing to have such healing abilities within ourselves!
And even so, always best to bring in the professionals who can teach us the proper way to really get the full benefits. Enter Kimberly Rose…

Kimberly Rose is a Certified Breathwork Therapist of 13 years. Once she experienced the magic of Breathwork and how it transformed her mind-body-soul, she became dedicated to showing people how simply they can change their lives through breath. She is a catalyst in doing Private and Group Breathwork Sessions Virtually and continues to blast the world with FREE Breathwork through her social media or website

Release what is not serving you.
Free yourself in the gentlest way.
And enjoy one of the greatest exercises ever – breath!

Breathe Work with Kimberly Rose

CLICK HERE to view previous blogs

In case you missed it (or still need to get after those deals!), please enjoy our previous blogs below!


Have feedback? An idea to contribute? A job to post or a business you’d like to see featured? Get in touch!

And be sure to add to your contacts list so'll you find us in your inbox!



A place for event marketing professionals and entrepreneurs who want to be inspired, focus on wellness, and learn a thing or two.

Yes, Please!

get on the
